If you follow me on social media, you know my husband and I are moving. While we were packing, we came across this little tote. I've had this tote for years. Years and years. Back to my college days.

Contained in this little tote is the humble beginnings of my Art career. This 12"x12"x8" plastic box
contained ALL the paints and brushes that I owned. Among other things, it still holds some of my
half-used and well-loved tubes of paint from college. (I also had an adorable, little tackle box that contained all of my drawing supplies. After college, it was gifted to a young member of my family and lived out the rest of its life as an actual tackle box.)
Coming across this little tote made me stop and think about how far I've come in the few short years since I decided to purse my Art career full-time. I never would have imagined that I would be living an Artist's life. My days are filled with painting, creating, teaching and demos. I'm honored and grateful to be a GOLDEN Artist Educator and to also work with several other wonderful art supply companies. Now I have a large, working/teaching studio and more art supplies than you can shake a stick at. There are still days that it doesn't feel real. Pinch me, I must be dreaming! (Ok, don't...I bruise easily.)
Please don't get me wrong, this little story of a humble art tote isn't a "humble brag." It's simply a reflection on possibilities. Years ago, I never honestly considered that Art could be my CAREER.
Now seems like a better time than most, to reflect on humble beginnings. A new studio, a new home, a fresh start on my blog, a new.....what? Hard to say. Right now, the next "new" thing is a only a possibility.
I'm writing this as a reminder to myself and to you, that possibilities can become realities. Or as my husband says, "Thoughts become things." So, think good things and don't be afraid to tackle a few of your own possibilities!
"It's the possibility, of having a dream come true, that makes life interesting."
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho